Wall Eve
No doubt, I've been looking forward to every Sundays. Lun lun should know why. Haha. Shopping complex have been so packed ever since the launch of carnival sales, especially during weekends. Yesterday, luckily I asked my mom to drop me off at 1U. Otherwise, I could hardly imagine how am I suppose to find a parking. Omgosh la. Due to the fullness, they only allow one-card member to access the parking lots. As for movies, you have to buy the ticket either super duper early on that day itself or 1/2 days before the movie in order to get a decent seat. Lol. Scary.
Gladly, I've bought Wall E on last friday. ^^ Yea. After watching 〈Star Wars: The Clone Wars〉. Star wars was a purely kill-of-time movie. There's like no different before watching and after watching. No feeling. Lol. Static characters, just like most games. =X
Okay. Back to the core part, 〈Wall E〉. So Sweet. I have to admit, towards the end, I did shed a tear or two. Couldn't help it. Wall E is so cute in its every ways! While Eve, its partner, her eyes will ^^ when she laugh! Also, the humans characters are humpie-dumbie look alike! LOL! Fatty fingers and toes. Hahaha. The whole idea of the movie is just, Great!
Gladly, I've bought Wall E on last friday. ^^ Yea. After watching 〈Star Wars: The Clone Wars〉. Star wars was a purely kill-of-time movie. There's like no different before watching and after watching. No feeling. Lol. Static characters, just like most games. =X
Okay. Back to the core part, 〈Wall E〉. So Sweet. I have to admit, towards the end, I did shed a tear or two. Couldn't help it. Wall E is so cute in its every ways! While Eve, its partner, her eyes will ^^ when she laugh! Also, the humans characters are humpie-dumbie look alike! LOL! Fatty fingers and toes. Hahaha. The whole idea of the movie is just, Great!
I especially love this part when they are dancing, in the space! See Eve's eyes ^^! Haha.
Of course, not forgetting the short films in the beginning, Presto. Lol. It's so funny so that I couldn't stop laughing with its every act. Love the bunny! XD Well, today is a gloomy day. With Chong Wei lost yesterday, heavy rain in the early morning, and most importantly, results are out! T.T