Marion Marriott Day

Marion Raven, 21, former member of M2M was so gorgeous with her purple evening gown! >.< The whole Marion Raven "Here I Am" showcase was held 3.00pm this noon at Mayang Sari Grand Ballroom, JW Marriott Hotel & there's only one musician carried out all the performances. Who is that particular talented + beautiful young lady? Ta-daah..she's no other than Marion Raven!

Marion with her Gibson guitar

The showcase was absolutely crowded with people from all walks of life. Any ages, any occupations, any style, any KINDS! *cheers for Marion!*

Marion playing the piano

First the showcase kicked off with Hitz FM DJ, Peitro warming up the crowd. I'm sure he enjoyed the situation where a lotz of girls screaming at him. He felt like a star after all *LOL* Follow up, South East Asia's youngest DJ, Hitz FM DJ Junior! He's only 19! Amazing huh? Too bad I'm younger than him for 1 year or else I can raise my hand during the introduction part. Ahah!

DJ Peitro is such a 'bad' guy! He continously lure the fans with all those Marion's signed goodies! pretty enjoy the 'scream' summore! lolz. It's fun though, screaming out my lungs MARION! MARION! & the other side will RAVEN! RAVEN!. We were competing so hard for the goodies & yet DJ Peitro was enjoying back then. :@

When the clock striked 3.30pm (I think, can't really keep trace of the time despite the 'good-work' from DJ Peitro @_@), the cinderella arrived! Whoa! MARION! Oh, finally! She played 'Break You', 'Little By Little', 'Here I Am', 'Crawl', '13 Days', 'For You I'll Die', 'The Day You Went Away!!!' and lastly 'End Of Me'.

The showcase ended so quickly though Marion had performed a string of 8 songs in total! We want encore!! >.<

more marion's pix


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